Max Cavalera kertoo Soulflyn seuraavasta albumista

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.3.2015

maxcavalerafact2014_638Max Cavaleran luotsaama Soulfly on parhaillaan studiossa Los Angelesissa tuottaja Matt Hyden (Slayer, Children Of Bodom) kanssa nauhoittamassa järjestyksessään kymmenettä albumiaan. Max Cavalera on antanut hiljattain haastattelun The Front Row Reportille, jossa kuvailee yhtyeen tulevaa albumia. Voit lukea Max Cavaleran mietteitä albumista tästä:

”We’re in a really cool place with SOULFLY. We’ve got [my son] Zyon [Cavalera] playing drums second time around. And he did much better on this album; he’s really on fire on the new album. And Marc [Rizzo] did some excellent guitar work; I’m very proud of him. And then Tony [Campos, bass] also did great. So it looks really good, and I think it’s gonna be a very strong, full-on album for us.”

”Some of the stuff is really fast, actually; like the first couple of songs on the album are all fast. And then it eventually slows down and there’s some kind of really heavy stuff. But I think it’s a really strong album that I’m very proud of, and I think a lot of people are gonna like it.”

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