Max Cavalera: ”Lähtisin mieluusti juhlakiertueelle myös Sepulturan ”Arise”-albumin tiimoilta”

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 16.11.2016

Max Cavalera Igor Cavalera 2016Sepulturan legendaariset veljekset Max sekä Igor Cavalera soittavat yhdessä bändin legendaarista “Roots” -nimistä albumiaan kokonaisuudessaan “Return To The Roots” -kiertueen merkeissä. Kiertue pysähtyy myös Suomessa 9. päivä joulukuuta, kun veljekset nousevat Aulanko Areenan lavalle Hämeenlinnassa. Max Cavalera on nyt antanut haastattelun, jossa hän kertoo haluavansa soittaa myös yhtyeen  ”Arise”-klassikkoalbumin kokonaisuudessaan livenä. Kysyttäessä tekivätkö veljekset tietoisen valinnan soittaa nimenomaan ”Rootsin” kokonaisuudessaan tämänhetkisellä kiertueella, Max vastasi:

”Yeah, it wasn’t really my idea. It was my wife’s idea – you know, she manages us -, probably a great idea. She approached me and Igor [Cavalera, drummer], and asked us what we think about playing the whole record, because it’s the twentieth anniversary of “Roots”. We talked about it a little bit, and said, ‘Yeah, sure! Why not? We should try that, it sounds like a great idea’. We went into some kind of rehearsal, played all of the songs and it sounded great. And we’re just trying to take it on the road, and now we’ve just finished the American tour, and it was amazing. And now we’re going to Europe and I think Europe is gonna love it, because we’re playing the whole record, from the beginning to the end. Everything, we’re leaving nothing out.”

Levyn taustasta hän kertoi seuraavaa:

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”Oh, it was a thing. We were always looking for something different to do with our music and, at that time, we were listening to a little bit of different stuff, as well as the stuff we always listened to. We had some curiosity – I remember – about some of the early Deftones, Korn stuff. We were kinda curious what we would sound if we used some of that influence into our stuff. And we did some testing in songs like “Roots Bloody Roots” and it came out really good, because it does really sound like Korn. I mean, that’s what’s interesting. We borrowed the tuning that they had, but our playing style is totally different form theirs, you know? I think that’s what makes “Roots” an interesting album, something that is kind of an experiment. An experimentation, you know. Like when you’re in a laboratory, and you try different fusions, and see what comes out of it. What’s interesting about “Roots” is… same you can say about “Chaos A.D.”, because then we were listening to a lot of Biohazard, and Type-O-Negative and a little bit, you know, Black Sabbath. That music. We slowed down on “Chaos A.D.”, and the result was also really interesting. You know, stuff like Territory and Nomad.”

Kysyttäessä aikooko hän kiertueelle myös jonkin muun Sepulturan albumin tiimoilta, Max vastasi:

”There’s a possibility. We can do all kinds of stuff now. I think that’s what is cool about now[adays], how ‘open’ everything is. I still have a lot of things on the table for the next year. Because next year is twenty years of Soulfly. It’s a special date and we wanna make a record to celebrate that. We also want to do another Killer Be Killed album. We only did one, and we would love to do another one. I think we can make an even better one. The guys are better now. But, yeah, I would love to do “Arise”. Especially “Arise”! Out of all the Sepultura records, the one that I would like to do the most is “Arise”… [Laughs] That record, it’s just exciting from beginning to end, and I think the live will be a monster. It would be amazing to play all that thrash death metal shit live.”

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Lisäksi Max kertoi tulevaisuuden suunnitelmistaan musiikin saralla:

”Yeah, you know, I have… In January, I’ll start writing the new Soulfly, which is… I think it’s going to be a great record, because I’ve been listening a lot of extreme metal right now. Like, a lot of Polish stuff, like Inferno War and Batushka… I’ve been listening to a lot of that. And a lot of Full Of Hell… So, I’m excited right now, music is exciting. I’m writing like a maniac, and all my shit sounds like that. I think it’s gonna be a very interesting Soulfly record, the most extreme of all the Soulfly [stuff] we’ve ever done. But also the most strange one, because of all these influences coming out. So, I’m looking forward [to that]… I’m gonna start working with my son in January. He’s doing the drums and I really want to explore his drumming, too, because he’s a very unique drummer. He has got a lot of energy, so I wanna explore the raw energy that he has, on the new Soulfly record.”

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