Max Cavalera: ”Soulflyn uusi albumi tulee olemaan kova”
Soulfly on viimeistelemässä kesällä ilmestyvää uutta studioalbumiaan. Levyn tuottajana toimii Josh Wilbur, joka on työskennellyt mm. Lamb of Godin, Gojiran ja All That Remainsin kanssa.
Max Cavalera kertoi PureGrainAudiolle antamassaan haastattelussa olevansa varsin innoissaan tulevasta albumista:
”I know musicians always say their new record is their favorite, but this new Soulfly album really hits home, man, because it’s got a little of everything that I really love about Soulfly. It’s got some of the tribal elements back in the groove, and it’s got a lot of fast stuff. It’s almost like a ’tribal thrash’ record, which is kind of… it’s never been done before. So it’s a real political and spiritual album mixed with tribal and thrash sounds. The tribal grooves go right in hand with fast thrash, death metal stuff. So it’s pretty cool, man. I think people are gonna be turned up when they hear the new Soulfly.”
Cavalera myös ylistää bänditovereidensa antamaa panosta uudelle albumille:
”Marc Rizzo (kitaristi) is doing some amazing guitar stuff. All the players — Zyon (Max Cavaleran poika ja Soulflyn rumpali) did a great job on the drums. I tried really hard to have different topics and different lyrics, so my vocals are a bit different and I’m touching different subjects on the album. So all that together makes it into something special.”