Mayhem uuden albumin kimpussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.8.2012

Norjalaisen black metallin legenda Mayhem on aloittanut uuden albuminsa kirjoittamisen. Yhtyeen basisti Necrobutcher paljasti asian hiljattain TotalRock -sivustolle antamassaan haastattelussa. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Necrobutcherin viestin asiaan liittyen.

”I think that we are not a traditional band in that matter, that we make an album every year and then do a tour with that. ’Cause we don’t feel it’s necessary to do that — we do an album when we feel like doing an album. It’s true — all the guys have some other projects also; like Hellhammer [drums] has ARCTURUS, Attila [Csihar, vocals] has VOID OV VOICES and SUNN O))). It takes time to come up with some good stuff, and we don’t wanna rush anything. But we are now, actually, working on some new stuff. It’s very hard to say [when the next CD will be released], but we are currently working on some new material and we have a plan to do something that will kick us in the ass a little bit. It’s too long a story to go into that [right now]. . . We’re waiting for the right inspiration, but having a blast in the meantime, too — travelling around the world and playing.”

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