Megadethin Dave Mustaine: ”Dystopia” on ehdottomasti raskaampi albumi kuin ”Super Collider”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 26.10.2015

Megadeth 2015Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metallin legendan Megadethin pääjehu Dave Mustaine on antanut hiljattain haastattelun australialaiselle Heavy Magazinelle, jossa mieheltä on kyselty yhtyeen tulevasta tammikuussa ilmestyvästä ”Dystopia” -nimisestä albumista. Dave Mustainen mukaan albumin nauhoituksissa oli yhtyeellä samanlainen into päällä kuin yhtyeen klassisen ”Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying?” albumin nauhoituksissa. Kysyttäessä albumin musiikillisesta suunnasta Dave Mustaine innostui kertomaan seuraavaa:

”I’m so happy with it, brother. It reminds me of when we recorded ’Peace Sells…’ because it has that excitement. There are some songs on there that are melodic; I think that when you learn how to play heavy metal and bring melody to it then that’s a huge accomplishment. Most guys, when they play metal, they’ve got a really fast right hand but their left hand isn’t really that melodic. Once you’ve found the secret on how to write melody with metal, well, then you’ve got it. This new lineup has a really cool, honest and organic feel to it.”

”It’s easy to say that it’s going to be heavier than ’Super Collider’ was; I’ve always made whatever I’m singing or writing about musically as an example of what I’m going through personally. I lost my mother-in-law to Alzheimer’s last year and just because a person died in October when the record was done doesn’t mean she wasn’t slowly dying for many, many months before that. I haven’t had a lot of people close to me die. I’ve known a lot them but nothing as personal as inside my family. So when she died, that really fucked my head up, which led to the songs being dark, somber and melancholy.”

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Kysyttäessä Mustainelta mistä nimi ”Dystopia” tuli albumille:

”I’ve had this outlook for a long time that the world is a really good place with some bad people in it. Others might think the opposite. But I think if you were to take a consensus of people, they know the difference between right and wrong. People have manners and morals but lately there’s been a decline in how people treat one another. That’s where ’Dystopia’ comes in, and if people don’t start loving each other and helping those in need then when that becomes more important than power, fame or money then I think we’re going to be okay.”

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