Megadethin Dave Mustaine hehkuttaa jälleen Teemu Mäntysaarta: ”Hän on uskomaton lahjakkuus”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.8.2024

Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -legenda Megadethin laulaja-kitaristi Dave Mustaine on yltynyt jälleen kehumaan bändin suomalaista kitaristia Teemu Mäntysaarta tuoreessa haastattelussaan. Mustaine kertoo tuoreessa Kyle Meredithin haastattelussa Mäntysaaren olevan uskomaton lahjakkuus, joka soittaa kaikki yhtyeen vanhemmat kappaleet hyvin lähelle miten ne on alunperin soitettu. Mustaine kertoi Mäntysaaresta seuraavaa:

”God, he’s such an amazing talent. And as far as being a human is concerned, he’s a really humble guy. He’s fun to be around because he’s kind of — there’s this ’greenness’ to him, if that’s a word, greenness. He makes it really fun because he’s gone from being in a band that was pretty well known to being in MEGADETH. And so everything’s very new for him at this level. And for us, we get to kind of enjoy ourselves, because we sometimes forget where we’re at and then you see other people that, ’Wow, the bread is round and so is the meat,’ that kind of shit. And it just makes him really happy, and it just reminds you of how good you have it.”

”It depends on who the new player is. If they’re willing to learn the parts, then the songs either, they stay where they are or they get better. And a lot of times when you have a new player, like when Teemu came in, he played everything identical to the original players. So, he’s been one of the best guitar players to step in and play somebody else’s stuff. I don’t know what his stuff’s going to sound like yet, which I’m looking forward to finding out.”

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