David Ellefson

Megadethin David Ellefson kommentoi yhtyeen saamaa Grammy-ehdokkuutta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.12.2016

Megadeth basisti David Ellefson

Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metallin legendan Megadethin basisti David Ellefson on antanut hiljattain videohaastattelun FeMetal TV:lle, jossa on kommentoinut yhtyeen hiljattain saamaa Grammy-ehdokkuutta ”Best Metal Performance” -kategoriassa. Voit lukea Ellefsonin ajatuksia yhtyeen saamasta ehdokkuudesta tästä:

”No, not really. The Grammys is a very broad entity, and they honor all kinds of different music. And certainly they’re credible, and it’s incredible to be nominated again and invited back. But do they fundamentally just understand every single genre? How could you?”

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”Really, it’s the voters. I stayed on as a voting member for a few years after we started getting nominations back in the ’90s, and then I just kind of discontinued it. But it’s recognition by your industry and by your peers for the work that you’ve done. And I assume it’s nice to win [laughs] — hopefully we’ll know one day.

”It’s always nice to be nominated. And I think being nominated for a metal band, that says a lot. Because if you’re a pop act, if you’re Nashville, or an urban act, a Grammy can really put a lot of wind in your sails — to sell records, to bring notoriety, touring… on all aspects. I remember Norah Jones, the little girl with eleven or whatever Grammys she had, it changed her life. Whereas a metal band, we’ve been around many years — we’ve done the ground work, we’ve done the leg work, we’ve toured, we have a very intrinscic connection with our fanbase already.

”The Grammy thing is obviously wonderful. But I think we are a genre… And there’s a lot of genres there, because there’s something like a hundred categories; they only televise, like, twelve or fourteen of ’em on TV, but there’s another, literally, sixty [or] seventy categories that they give away from 1 p.m. ’till 5 p.m. before the televised section starts — Tejano music, things that I barely even have heard of. And they’re honoring that. And that is the thing that I think is cool about the Grammys — they have really widened themselves out to honoring all of these different genres, and deservedly so. There isn’t just one-size-fits-all in music, so it’s cool that they honor that, and it’s great that metal is one of those.”

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