Megadethin David Ellefson listaa omasta mielestään parhaat basistit

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 4.10.2015

Megadeth 2015Yhdysvaltalainen thrash metallin legenda Megadeth julkaisee uuden ”Dystopia” -nimisen albuminsa tammikuun 22. päivä Universal Music Enterprisesin kautta. Yhtyeen basisti David Ellefson on antanut Top Guitarille haastattelun Puolassa järjestetyn Warwick Bass Campin yhteydessä, jossa mieheltä on kysytty omasta mielestään historian parhaita basisteja. David Ellefson on listannut omiksi suosikeikseen mm. Steve Harrisin Iron Maidenista, Gene Simmonsin Kissista sekä Geezer Butlerin Black Sabbathista. Voit lukea David Ellefsonin mietteitä maailman parhaasta basistista tästä: 

”It’s hard to say there’s a greatest, the best… those kinds of things. I would say… Look, Steve Harris [IRON MAIDEN], to me, really changed the presence of bass in metal music. He was the guy that came… And, again, a lot of this is just, at my age, when I very impressionable, this group IRON MAIDEN came out, and next thing you know, the songwriter and the guy upfront with his foot on the monitors, who was almost like the lead singer of the band, was the bass player. [And I thought], ’Wow! This is awesome.’ And I’d been listening to RUSH, and Geddy [Lee], of course, had a huge impact on me. Of course, Gene Simmons [KISS] before that. And Gene’s a great bass player, man. He writes cool stuff, his bass lines are awesome and he breathes fire and spits blood while he does it. [Laughs] And, of course, Geezer Butler [BLACK SABBATH] and Bob Daisley, who played on those Ozzy [Osbourne] records and wrote a lot of that stuff. I like songwriter bass players; it’s kind of a trend I’ve noticed. You know, Phil Lynott, Sting, Paul McCartney… on the more mainstream side of it. You know, there’s something about guys that write that are… There’s something different about how they weave themselves into the songs.”


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