Megadethin David Ellefson: ”Uudesta albumista tulee intensiivinen”
Kuudettatoista albumiaan valmistelevan thrash metal -legenda Megadethin basisti David Ellefson on valottanut tuntemuksiaan albumin valmistumisesta. Full Metal Jackie -radio-ohjelmassa ääneen päässyt Ellefson kertoo, että edellinen, vuonna 2016 julkaistu albumi ”Dystopia” auttoi heitä jälleen löytämään yhtyeen punaisen langan, ja tuleva albumi jatkaa samalla tiellä – kuitenkaan itseään toistamatta. Hän kertoo:
”I think probably the biggest thing on album 16 now for Megadeth is we’re very critical of ourselves to not ever repeat ourselves — to not repeat the lyrics, not repeat the same theme, not repeat the same riffs or note patterns. And that’s actually kind of one of the bigger challenges — to not go to the comfort zone of repeating yourself. That certainly has been a challenge that I think we’ve certainly successfully met.”
Ellefson myös kehuu uuden albumin olevan intensiivinen levy, jossa kuuluu tekemisen riemu. Hän jatkaa:
”It’s an intense record. And I think there’s a sense of fun about some of the songs too, in a way that some of the stuff that I think you probably would hear back in, like, maybe ’Countdown To Extinction’ — records that were very obviously serious thematically and have the impact that you would expect from a Megadeth lyric theme, but also some cool, fun stuff that is… And I think that came from the spirit of the four of us being in a room putting this record together.”
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