Melodista vaihtoehtorockia Norjasta: Vöödöö julkaisi uuden singlen ja musiikkivideon

Norjalainen melodista vaihtoehtorockia soittava Vöödöö on julkaissut uransa ensimmäisen singlen ja musiikkivideon nimeltä ”Lay Me To Rest”. Kappale on peräisin yhtyeen debyyttialbumilta, joka julkaistaan tänä vuonna Indie Recordingsin kautta.
Voit katsoa Vöödöön uuden musiikkivideon tästä:
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”We are extremely proud to present the video for our first single ’Lay Me To Rest’. The video is a story with a twist of sorts, or is it? Being stalked by shadows and chased by darkness, or is it all in our head? The video is a mix between a storytelling plot mixed with shots of the band playing in an old abandoned water power plant factory. Together they create the atmoshpere for the lyrics and the message to blossom.
The location of the abandoned factory may remind you of something that was working but now its left for dead. A few decades ago it was the beating heart of a small community, but now it is abandoned and lonely, similar to how we feel when we dwell in the struggles that are imprisoning our mind. The aggressively heavy, though simplistic sound of the song amplifies the aggravation, pain and struggle that is felt throughout the video.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyThe story telling portion of the video was filmed by Gunbjørg Gunnarsdóttir, while the live action band shoots and projector scenes were filmed by Troll Toftenes, who also cut and did the final editing of the video.
The inspiration for the ’Lay Me To Rest’ comes from drummer Giuliano’s own personal experience with loss and hopelessness , and the steps one must dare to take to reach the light at the end of a very dark tunnel.”
Giluano Antonio LoMonaco – Rummut
Stian Brungot – Basso
Gøran Stavang Skade – Laulu
Sveinung Fossan Bukve – Kitara