Memoriamin kitaristin Scott Fairfaxin uusi yhtye As The World Dies työstää debyyttialbumiaan

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 5.8.2019
As The World Dies -promo 2019

Englantilaisen death metal -yhtye Memoriamin kitaristi Scott Fairfaxin yhtye As The World Dies työstää parhaillaan debyyttialbumiaan. Levyn miksauksesta ja masteroinnista vastaa Hellfiren studion Ajeet Gill, jonka kanssa Fairfax on tehnyt yhteistyötä myös Memoriamin ensimmäisten demojen ja debyyttialbumin tiimoilta.

Bändi koostuu kitaristi Scott Fairfaxin lisäksi rumpali Chris McGrathista, basisti Phil Milmanista, kitaristi Topher O’Meagherista ja vokalisti Alex Mumfordista.

McGrath kommentoi:

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“As The World Dies is a reference to the chaos & destruction that the human race has caused and highlights that we are all guilty of its demise. Quite simply, ’We are standing and watching ‘As The World Dies’’. Once the band had decided on the name it set in motion the direction that they wanted to go and the story that they wanted to portray through the lyrical content, in their own words…’We didn’t want to release just another death metal racket, we wanted something with meaning.’ As The World Dies is heavily influenced by bands such as.. At The Gates, Benediction, Strapping Young Lad, Cannibal Corpse, Bolt thrower and also for a different and more melodic spin Septicflesh and Devin Townsend’s earlier career (Ocean Machine / Terria) and is set to feature crushing riffs and soundscapes Scott is renowned for creating.

A quote from the band: ’As The World Dies are thrilled to announce that they will be unleashing their creation before the world actually does die!’”

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