Metal Capital Festivaliin saapuvalta Terrorilta uusi kappale ”Boundless Contempt”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 7.4.2022

Kesällä Ouluun Metal Capital Festivaliin saapuva metallista hardcorea soittava Terror julkaisee toukokuun 6. päivä seuraavan, ”Pain Into Power” -nimisen albuminsa. Yhtyeen tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu kuunneltavaksi toinen single nimeltä ”Boundless Contempt”, josta laulaja Scott Vogel kertoo seuraavaa:

”This is the one song that every member of the band and Todd all had on their list of favorite tracks on the record. The driving speed of the first half of the song is completely unhinged. I remember when figuring out the breakdown, there was the idea of first having a guitar break bring in the ending and it sounded strong. Todd went and demoed it with bass instead which is a little different for Terror and we all instantly agreed that was the right choice. Much thanks to Ben Cook for being there with vocal oversight which now seems like a Terror staple.”

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