Metal Hammerin lukijat listasivat 100 2000-luvun parasta albumia: listan kärjessä Slipknotin ”Iowa”
Maailman suurimman metallilehti Metal Hammer on julkaissut tuoreimman numeronsa mukana listauksen, johon lehden lukijat ovat saaneet valita 100 mielestään parasta rock- sekä metallialbumia 2000-luvulta. Lehden julkaiseman listauksen kärjessä ja samalla 2000-luvun parhaimman albumin tittelin pokkaa Slipknot vuonna 2001 ilmestyneellä ”Iowa” -albumillaan. Lisää listalle päätyneitä albumeita voit katsoa tästä. Slipknotin Corey Taylor muistelee ”Iowa” -albumia Metal Hammerille seuraavasti antamassaan haastattelussa:
“Everyone and their mom was trying to get us to write 10 more ”Wait And Bleed”‘s, but fuck you, we’ve already done that. Why would we want to do it again?
For us, it was really about being rabid, being wasted, and still being young enough to back it up. Our whole goal was to go in and make this dense, destructive album. We had no idea how destructive it was going to be.”
“You can hear the bile in it, you can hear the frenetic passion for what we were trying to do. I think we overshot it… I think we bypassed what we were trying to do and achieved something completely different, which was to create the heaviest album that would be picked up by a popular audience who didn’t really know what they were getting themselves into.”
Voit katsoa listan kokonaisuudessaan nopeana giffinä tästä:
We celebrate the 100 Greatest Albums Of The 21st Century in the new issue of Metal Hammer. IN STORES NOW! #Hammer100
— Metal Hammer (@MetalHammer) 20. heinäkuuta 2016