Metalcorea Floridasta: AfterLife kiinnitetty Stay Sick Recordingssille

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 11.12.2016

afterlife-2016Floridasta tuleva metalcore-yhtye AfterLife on kiinnitetty Attilan laulajan Chris ”Fronzilla” Fronzakin omistamalle levy-yhtiölle Stay Sick Recordingssille. Yhtye aikoo julkaista ”Vicious Cycle” -nimisen EP:nsä helmikuun 3. päivä. Voit kuunnella uuden kappaleen nimeltä ”Vicious Cycle” yhtyeeltä tästä:

Yhtyeen laulaja Tyler Levenson on kommentoinut yhteistyötä Stay Sick Recordingsin kanssa seuraavasti:

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“‘Vicious Cycle‘ is an EP we are very excited to release to the world, since collectively over the past year, we have been building and sculpting what is now called Afterlife into what we believe is our most authentic form of music. We are incredibly excited to announce our signing with Stay Sick Recordings and we firmly believe that them and our management team will bring Afterlife to the next level.

Growing up, I was heavily influenced by alternative rock and the aggression and emotion that the singers showed in their songs. With ‘Vicious Cycle,’ you will be able to hear and feel exactly what I was going through when the songs were written. It touches base on real life issues like depression, betrayal, love and hate, realization, hope, and the many other feelings we deal with everyday.”

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