Metallica julkisti seitsemän keikkaa Eurooppaan kesälle 2022: Skandinavian ainut keikka tapahtuu Copenhellissa
Yhdysvaltalainen thrash metal -suuruus Metallica on julkistanut seitsemän festivaalikeikkaa Eurooppaan ensi kesälle. Yhtye on julkaissut keikkoihin liittyen seuraavan viestin faneilleen:
”We have waited far too long to say these words — we’re getting back out there and are finally announcing our return to Europe in 2022!
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”Needless to say, we cannot wait to see all of you once again as our European ’TALLICA Family will finally have a chance to reunite in June and July of next year.
”We can’t wait to once again take the stage as part of the time-honored tradition of summer music festivals and we’re excited to see some of our friends, both new and old, at Copenhell, Pinkpop, Firenze Rocks, Prague Rocks, Rock Werchter, Mad Cool, and NOS Alive.
”Dates are listed below, and Fifth Members should be sure to check all the details in the Club News Story to find out when special pre-sales will be held. A few of the festivals are already on sale and we’re happy to join their party… info about when and where you can grab tickets is listed next to each show.
”Stay tuned — we’ll be back soon to keep adding to this list.
”We hope you, your family, and your friends are safe and in good health, and ready to go next level, next summer!”
Metallican ainut keikka Skandinaviassa tulee tapahtumaan Tanskassa Copenhell-festivaalin yhteydessä kesäkuun 15. päivä. Voit katsoa kiertueen aikataulun tästä:
Jun. 15 – Copenhell – Copenhagen, Denmark
Jun. 17 – Pinkpop – Landgraaf, Netherlands
Jun. 19 – Firenze Rocks – Florence, Italy
Jun. 22 – Prague Rocks – Prague, Czech Republic
Jul. 01 – Rock Werchter – Werchter, Belgium
Jul. 06 – Mad Cool – Madrid, Spain
Jul. 08 – NOS Alive – Lisbon, Portugal