Metallica kuvasi drive-in-keikkansa Pohjois-Kalifornian viinitilalla erittäin tarkkojen turvatoimien ympäröimänä: keikan settilista katsottavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.8.2020

Yhdysvaltalainen, metallimusiikin maailmanlaajuisesti suurin yhtye Metallica rantautui eilen kaiken kaikkiaan 300 eri drive-in-teatteriin Yhdysvalloissa esittäen faneilleen tuoreen keikan. Sonoma Index-Tribunen julkaiseman artikkelin mukaan bändi nauhoitti keikkansa noin kolme viikkoa sitten esiintyen Gundlach Bundschun viinitilalla, joka sijaitsee noin 30 minuutin ajomatkan päästä bändin pääkallopaikasta San Rafaelista Kalifornian osavaltiosta.

Yhtyeen kitaristi Kirk Hammett kertoi tuoreessa Uproxxxin haastattelussa bändin huomioineen koronaviruksen erityisen tarkasti valmisteluissaan, ja myöskin hän joutui testattavaksi koronaviruksen osalta viisi kertaa kahden viikon aikana. Hammett kertoi bändin valmisteluista keikalle seuraavaa:

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”We filmed the actual drive-in show about two weeks ago, at a secret location in Northern California. And it was the first time that we had gotten together since [last September’s] ’S&M’ shows. It was really important for us to be able to come together and play that particular show, because we needed to just get some sort of semblance of, if we’re going to go forward in the future, how that was going to look with the pandemic going, and all of these safety protocols. We adapted this whole safety protocol so that we were able to work at HQ, and rehearse without us having any fears of being infected, or infecting other people. What that meant was getting tested for COVID, literally every other day. That week of rehearsal, I got tested for COVID five times… It also meant that our entire crew had to have face masks on. A double face mask, which was a paper mask and an N95 mask, [plus] a face shield, and a raincoat, and gloves, and sanitize, and just spray our guitars. That was while we were rehearsing. While we were filming, we were the only people in the whole place without masks on. Everyone else had masks on. And everyone, from the crew to us, had been tested, and quarantined as well. We were able to do that, and do that successfully without any health flare-ups, or any obvious sort of potential of getting infected. So that kind of set a precedent for us moving forward. It gave us hope, knowing that with all this that’s happening right now, if we need to, we can still get together and function as a band.”

Yhtyeen settilista drive-in-keikalla oli lopulta seuraava:
1. ”Hardwired
2. ”For Whom the Bell Tolls
3. ”Fuel
4. ”Seek & Destroy
5. ”Creeping Death
6. ”One
7. ”Now That We’re Dead
8. ”Sad But True
9. ”Moth into Flame
10. ”The Unforgiven
11. ”Wherever I May Roam
12. ”Fade to Black
13. ”Master of Puppets
14. ”Battery
15. ”Nothing Else Matters
16. ”Enter Sandman

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