Metallican James Hetfield: ”Emme koskaan enää julkaise omaa elokuvaa”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.11.2015

Metallica Live SonisphereYhdysvaltalainen thrash metallin jättiläinen Metallica julkaisi vuonna 2013 pahasti flopanneen ”Metallica Through The Never” -nimisen elokuvan. Yhtyeen tekemä elokuva maksoi kaiken kaikkiaan yli 20 miljoonaa dollaria mutta yhtye sai siitä takaisin ainoastaan 3,4 miljoonaa dollaria ensimmäisen neljän viikon aikana elokuvan julkaisusta. Yhtyeen vokalisti James Hetfield on antanut hiljattain haastattelun yhtyeen fanien ylläpitämälle So What! -nimiselle lehdelle, jossa James on kertonut yhtyeen oppineen virheestään elokuvan kanssa kantapään kautta. Voit lukea James Hetfieldin ajatuksia elokuvasta tästä:

”It’s very bittersweet, the whole movie bit. We put a lot of money, time and effort into it, and how awesome we thought it was, and how ’wow, this is pretty unique’ we felt about it, at the end of the day, was its downfall. It was not so much a concert film, not so much an action drama, it was somewhere in the middle; it just fell right down the crevasse. It disappeared. And it was sad to see that.”

”The way life is now in the entertainment field, especially movies, two years of work came all the way up to a Friday night. ’Okay, the movie’s released!’ By Friday night, you know pretty much what the full picture is and how the movie is actually gonna do at the box office. But management said — and I agree with this; it makes total sense — that Hollywood is about perception. Hollywood is about rumors spreading and things like that, so if someone tweets, ’Hey, the movie’s great,’ if that spreads, then it helps. A lot of people don’t go to movies because of reviews, I guess… I don’t understand that so much.”

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”I will say to my wife, ’Hey, let’s go see this. It looks really good!’ And she’d say, ’Well, it got bad reviews. We’re not going.’ It’s like… I don’t care. It looks good to me. Let me go find out if I like it or not. A review’s just another opinion. But anyway, I guess across the board it lasted in the theaters, what, two weeks? I’d tell people, ’Hey, we’ve got this movie out,” and they’d say, ’Cool, I can’t do it this week. Maybe I’ll go next week.’ Well, it’s not gonna be around next week.”

Kysyttäessä Jamesin mietteitä elokuvan tuottamiin tappioihin yhtyeelle:

”There was a time when I was just pissed. Like, ’What the fuck?’ That was stupid. I wanted to just point fingers everywhere. The distributor people. ’They didn’t say what they were gonna do.’ Or just pointing at Hollywood in general. ’They’re a bunch of grigging shysters, man. They sold us on something that they knew was bullshit.’ Blaming the director, the producer, the casting… And blaming the management. ’You all fucked up, man.’ We really took a giant risk on this. Maybe we should’ve thought a little more about it. Building that stage — there was a lot of money put into that thing. But at the end of the day, it’s on us. It’s our fault! We agreed to it, and there you go. So we’ve learned a lesson.”

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”Things happen for a reason, and you might not see the silver lining right now, but down the line, who knows? Maybe the movie will make a mark in history somehow, or maybe we’ve basically learned: don’t do it again.”

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