Metallican jäseniltä upeat muistokirjoitukset hiljattain menehtyneelle Ray Burtonille

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.1.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisen thrash metal -legenda Metallican jäsenet James Hetfield, Kirk Hammett, Robert Trujillo sekä Lars Ulrich ovat kukin julkaisseet oman muistokirjoituksen hiljattain menehtyneelle Cliff Burtonin isälle, Ray Burtonille. Ray Burton oli kuollessaan 94-vuotias ja hän tuli elämänsä aikana tunnetuksi Cliff Burtonin kuoleman jälkeen vankkana Metallican fanina, joka osallistui erilaisiin bändin järjestämiin tilaisuuksiin sekä kävi katsomassa yhtyeen keikkoja useasti. Voit lukea muistokirjoitukset tästä:

”Mr. Ray Burton is a hero of mine
In earthly form, his end of the line
He weathered many a difficult storm
A strong compass
true and gracefully worn
To his last breath, I’ve not met a more positive man
And to his son there was not a more loyal fan
So he leaves the material world to be with his sons and wife
I feel so very blessed to have had him grace my life
In earthly form, his end of the line
Mr. Ray Burton is a hero of mine

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May peace be yours.

Love and Respect,


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Thank you for lighting up every room you walked into, for inspiring all of us with your positive energy, your perseverance, your effortlessness and for always making everyone feel comfortable in your presence… and of course, thank you for giving the world the gift of Cliff and his unique talents. I’m honored and humbled to have played and stood beside him.

Rest In Peace.


”In my 55 years of existing on this earth I’ve met so many wonderful people, and not so wonderful people.

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In recent times, and most definitely since I’ve been in Metallica, I’ve been asked who is an inspiration to me and/or who do I aspire to be like, and my reply is, “I want to be like Mr. Ray Burton!” Ray is the father we all want, or need to have; his positive energy, and support for how and what we do is a powerful gift that he blessed us with.

Always smiling, and always telling it like it is; someone to learn from. Ray’s love for all styles of music was passion driven, telling me about various big band jazz artists from his youth, sharing his thoughts on how and why these musicians were so special. I’ll always remember him telling my son, ”You practicing, you playing piano Tye, remember that’s very important for your music; Cliff played piano all the time.”

My family, the Metallica family, and the world will miss Ray Burton, that goes without saying. Ray was a warrior, and would want us to face life the way he has, with that desire to be the best you can be from the inside out, stay humble, and keep smiling!

We love you, and we will miss you Ray.

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”Lots of love Ray.
May you finally be with Cliff and Jan.


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