Metallican Lars Ulrich: ”Uudet bändit eivät ole inspiroivia”
Marraskuussa uusimman ”Hardwired… To Self-Destruct” -nimisen albuminsa julkaisseen Metallican rumpali Lars Ulrich on antanut hiljattain yhtyeen tuoreesta albumista haasttelun Noiseylle, jossa Larssilta on kysytty tunteeko hän yhä olonsa inspiroivaksi soittaessaan Metallicassa. Lars on haastattelussa todennut aikojen olleen hyvin erilaisia kun 30 vuotta sitten löytyi jatkuvasti uusia inspiroivia bändejä ympäri maailman mutta nykyään niin tapahtuvan äärettömän harvoin. Lars on haastattelussa kehunut mm. The Swordia sekä Kvelertakia näiden omaperäisestä musiikistaan ja kertonut aiheesta seuraavaa:
”Ten years ago or 30 years ago, it was different. Like, ’Oh my god, GUNS N’ ROSES. Oh my God, who are these NIRVANA guys! OASIS!’ You were hearing about it, and you wanted to meet them. Nowadays, there aren’t any bands that have had that impact on me. The last time where I was like, ’Holy fuck! This really inspires me,’ was this band called THE SWORD, from Austin, Texas. Stoner rock, kind of a modern BLACK SABBATH. Super cool. They showed up seven or eight years ago, and I just had to bring these guys on tour. There is a Norwegian band called KVELERTAK. These bands are few and far between nowadays. This is not a black-and-white statement. I know more about film than I do about music because I follow it more. That doesn’t mean if something awesome came and slapped me in the face. then I wouldn’t embrace it; it just shows up less and less.”
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