Metallican Robert Trujillo kertoo yhtyeen tilanteesta uuden levyn suhteen
Yhdysvaltalaiselta thrash metal -suuruus Metallicalta on odotettu uutta albumia, ja uutisoimmekin viime kuussa yhtyeen rumpali Lars Ulrichin vahvistaneen, että yhtye on aloittanut uuden musiikin työstämisen. Yhtyeen edellinen albumi ”Hardwired… To Self-Destruct” julkaistiin vuona 2016. Yhtyeen basisti Robert Trujillo kertoi The Vinyl Guidelle tämänhetkisestä tilanteesta albumin teon rintamalla. Yhtyeen jäsenet ovat viikottain yhteydessä ja ideoita heitellään ilmoille. Vielä on kuitenkin liian aikaista puhua julkaisupäivistä. Yhtye totuttelee koronan myötä uuteen toimintatapaan albumin kirjoittamisessa. Trujillo kertoi:
”We communicate every week, which is really great, so we have our connection intact. And what we’ve started doing is basically just really concentrating on our home studios and being creative from our homes and navigating through ideas and building on new ideas. And that’s where we’re at right now. We’re excited about cultivating new ideas, to be honest. And everybody’s in a good headspace, for the most part, and that’s pretty much our focus now — let’s have fun with this. That’s part of the reason I got some updated recording gear and I’m putting ideas together and we’re checking kind of each other’s vibes out on new stuff. And that’s pretty much where we’re at. We haven’t talked about touring lately…
I’ll tell you, we just did nearly three years on the ’Hardwired’ album, and, of course, Australia is one of my favorite places on the planet to go play, and South America as well, so we will get back down there. I’m not too worried about that — I know we will. Obviously, we’ve gotta get through this quarantine and all this stuff that’s happening with that. In the meantime, we’re creating, and I think that is really cool, ’cause sometimes it takes a while to get the band together and get four individuals who are living in different places in the same room. But it’s, like, ’Hey, guess what? We don’t have to be in the same room right now.’ We can make music from our homes and work together and build stuff — and then we’ll get in that room together and we’ll bang the stuff out, but we’ll be 40 steps ahead.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyThere’s no definite plan as to a release date. I mean, we’re just sort of now cultivating the terrain and getting kind of excited about it, to be honest. It’s kind of a cool thing that we’ve been able to start focusing on that, ’cause it’s new for us — we haven’t done it this way. I don’t think many people have done it this way. Everybody’s gotta kind of restructure their routines and their creative flow. And at some point, all this will transition into what it’s gonna transition into, and we’ll have live shows again. And I’m sure there’s gonna be a lot of new music coming, ’cause most musicians are writing new stuff right now, and that’s exciting to me.”