Michael Monroe: ”Olen kärsinyt tarpeeksi oman taiteeni eteen”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.10.2015

Michael Monroe (2)Legendaarinen suomalainen rokkari Michael Monroe on antanut hiljattain Mitch Lanin luotsaamalle ”One On One With Mitch Lafon” -nimiselle podcastille, jossa mieheltä on kysytty mistä hän löytää nykyisin inspiraation uusien kappaleiden sanoituksia kirjoittaessaan. Michael on haastattelussa sanonut, että hän on kärsinyt oman taiteensa eteen jo tarpeeksi ja luonut hahmon, joka on tunnistettava ympäri maailman. Voit lukea Michael Monroen ajatuksia aiheesta tästä:

”Well, partly it’s the same. The basic thing is I get inspired by everyting I hear and see — my life in general. The more mileage you have, the more experience and more stuff you have to write about. The songs are mainly about my, or our personal experiences, and our lives in the past and the present. I actually feel pretty happy. I’ve never been complacent. Some people say you have to suffer for good art. I’ve suffered enough to… I mean, I’ve got enough character; I don’t need to build any more character, I think. I’ve seen enough hardship to… You don’t have to really be in dire straits to write a good song. To me, basically, it’s positive energy. I like to write about things that make people maybe… maybe raise some questions. You don’t have to turn your brain off to have a good time. Rock and roll, I mean, it’s entertainment, but still, I believe that you should be aware your surroundings and be… I like to say things that tell the truth and be truthful and honest and not bullshit. You can’t bullshit. So… Just be for real and that’s it.”

Michael Monroen uusi albumi ”Blackout States” ilmestyy tämän viikon perjantaina lokakuun 9. päivä Spinefarm Recordsin kautta.

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