Michael Schenker ei aio palata Scorpionsiin veljensä takia

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 14.11.2024

Rudolf ja Michael Schenkerin välinen riita jatkuu, ja vaikuttaa siltä, että se estää Michaelin osallistumisen Scorpionsin 60-vuotisjuhlaan. SiriusXM:n Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk -ohjelmassa Michaelilta kysyttiin, olisiko mahdollista, että hän liittyisi takaisin yhtyeeseen heidän juhlakonserttinsa ajaksi, joka järjestetään 5. heinäkuuta 2025 yhtyeen kotikaupungissa Hannoverissa, Saksassa. Michael vastasi suoraan kieltävästi ja kertoi kokevansa, että hänen täytyy suojella itseään veljeltään, joka on kiusaaja ja hyväksikäyttäjä. Michaelin mukaan tilanne on jatkunut vuosia, eikä hän ymmärrä, miksi Rudolf käyttäytyy niin.
Michael Schenker kertoi:

”No. I just know that I have been a very big part of creating Rudolf as a musician. I don’t think without me, he would have been there, and maybe the other way around the same way. But the thing is that I have to protect myself from Rudolf. Every time he wants to do something with me or every time they wanna do something big and they need my name, he misuses me. And I’m very sad that he keeps doing that.”

”Rudolf is seven years older than me. He’s a bully. He has been abusive to me for many, many years. He has distorted my image for many years, and he just pretends as if nothing ever happened. I guess, because I asked other people, ’Hey, how does your older brother treat you?’ And they say, ’Oh, exactly the same.’ So I think it’s just the thing they do. They think they own you, they can do with you whatever they want. I’m seven years younger. ‘That’s just my little brother, nobody, blah, blah, blah.’”

”I have no idea how these people, how their heads and their brains work, but the fact is I helped the Scorpions, I jumpstarted them, and they forgot everything about it. And it’s not the Scorpions that are the bad guys — or actually nobody is really the bad guy. It’s just Rudolf is just a crazy, weird person. I don’t know what drives him. But I don’t wanna be connected to it. So I don’t wanna be distracted with my vision every time I give in and say, ’Okay, I’ll do something with Rudolf,’ and then he abuses me or uses me disrespectfully. I don’t know why he keeps going like that, but it’s just kind of very, very strange. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. I don’t know why it’s so important for him to be bigger than his little brother.”

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