Michael Schenker veljestään Rudolfista: ”En luota häneen enää yhtään”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 15.5.2016

Rudolf Michael SchenkerLegendaarinen saksalainen kitaristi Michael Schenker (UFO, Scorpions) on antanut kanadalaiselle The Metal Voicelle hiljattain haastattelun liittyen tulevaan esiintymiseensä Sweden Rock -festivaalissa. Michaelilta on haastattelussa kysytty tämän hetkisistä väleistä veljeensä, Scorpionssin riveissä soittavaan Rudolf Schenkeriin. Michael on haastattelussa todennut pysyvänsä mielummin kaukana veljestään koska ei pysty enää luottamaan häneen. Voit lukea Michaelin suhteista veljeensä Rudolfiin tästä:

”No. I can’t, because I’m very disappointed in Rudolf [Schenker, SCORPIONS guitarist and Michael’s brother]. What I have found out about the ’Lovedrive’ bio [that is included in the recently released 50th-anniversary deluxe edition of the album] is completely wrong.

”When I was 23, I finished with UFO. I did ’Strangers In The Night’. We had hits in ’76 with ’Lights Out’ and ’Too Hot To Handle’ and ’Only You Can Rock Me’. The SCORPIONS always copied what UFO did.

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”When Rudolf found out I had left UFO and Mathias [Jabs, SCORPIONS guitarist], who had just joined, couldn’t do the album with the SCORPIONS to their liking, they asked me to help out. I came over. I was 23; Rudolf was already 30. And when I finished my work on the SCORPIONS ’Lovedrive’ album, they didn’t wanna let me go, so they got rid of Matthias. And so they basically persuaded me to be in the SCORPIONS after the ’Lovedrive’ recording, and all the management in America, they all were very interested in wanting to sign the SCORPIONS. I put on my black-and-white suit and my black-and-white guitar and started touring, [but] after two weeks, I just couldn’t do it. I ran away and I was too shy to confront them; I just couldn’t do it. My brother found me. He called me back. He cried on the phone, [and] it was so embarrassing. I came back a second time. After the second time, I realized, ’This is not it. I need to stop this,’ and I ran away again. [A short time later] I found out that they got Matthias back — they persuaded him to come back — and that was that. Then, a bit later, I get a phone call from Rudolf [asking me] if I would let him play my black-and-white guitar design. I said, ’Okay.’ And then he also asked me if I would give him the songwriting credits for ’Coast To Coast’. All the melodies were written by me, and I didn’t pay attention. I was the sixth part of the ’Lovedrive’ album, and I had a contract that everything was divided by six.”

”When they approached me just recently for the SCORPIONS [50th-anniversary deluxe edition reissues of their albums], I found out that they put a bio out that was a complete[ly] wrong story. I found out that there was nobody credited for what I wrote on ’Holiday’. It’s the intro to ’Holiday’, it’s forty-five seconds long — that’s the intro that I wrote but nobody got credit for it. And then Rudolf asked me to give him the melodies for ’Coast To Coast’ and with my black-and-white guitar. And those two things were the most tastiest things and easiest parts to copy, because Rudolf is not really a great guitarist; he can just about play. But that was something, him being a Schenker and now having blond hair, and all the managers finding out, they wanted to sign that band the SCORPIONS where I was part of, I guess he figured out how he can misrepresent and fool people over the years, because I didn’t pay any attention until just recently. I found out that there was not a picture of me on ’Lovedrive’, there was no mention on ’Holiday’ who wrote and played that intro, and, of course, Rudolf persuaded me to give him the ’Coast To Coast’ melodies. And so I’m very disappointed with that. And I must say I’m now finding out more and more weird stuff about Rudolf.”

”I have to stay away from him and I can’t trust him anymore — period.”

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