Mick Brown Dokkenin legendaarisen kokoonpanon paluusta: ”Jos heität haavaan tarpeeksi rahaa, se parantuu”

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 16.7.2016

Mick Brown 2013Rockin’ Metal Revival haastatteli hiljattain yhdysvaltalaisen Dokkenin rumpali Mick Brownia liittyen yhtyeen legendaarisen kokoonpanon paluuseen kuudelle japanin keikalle lokakuussa. Hän kommentoi basisti Jeff Pilsonin hiljattaista julkistusta siitä, että kokoonpano on parhaillaan työstämässä uutta kappaletta julkaistavaksi samoihin aikoihin, kun kiertue alkaa:

”I really haven’t heard that, but it wouldn’t surprise me. And Jeff’s got a recording studio, so it makes it easy to do, and George lives close to JeffJeff loves to record; I mean, that’s his passion, you know. And nothing suits him better than being home for a few days and recording some music. So I’m sure something might happen there.”

Brown kertoi myös paluun vaikutuksesta yhtyeen tämänhetkiseen kokoonpanoon, jossa soittavat kitaristi Jon Levin ja basisti Chris McCarvil:

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Jon wasn’t too keen on it, and I can understand that.

”But we said, ’Listen, the money…’ I mean, he understands… I hate to talk about money, but there’s a lot of money involved here. And you can’t be a fool in life and pass up these opportunities. And Don and I both told him, ’Listen, it’s only these six shows, from what we know.’ And Jeff’s gotta go back to work with FOREIGNER.

”We’ve been sort of talking about this for a few years, and Jeff just said, ’Listen, FOREIGNER’s just not gonna give me the time off. We play all the time — four days a week.’ So he has about a ten- or twelve-day window to do this DOKKEN thing. And we’re doing it. And I think he flies from Tokyo right back into a FOREIGNER show, wherever that’s gonna be, and I think it’ll be business as usual.

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”Listen, if there’s success with this, and it all works right, and we do it without strangling each other — which, by the way, in the past, we’ve been known to do that [laughs — so if we can make it through [those shows], you might see some of it [in other parts of the world]. But I don’t know… Jeff’s pretty locked into the FOREIGNER thing. And so we told Jon, ’Listen, we’re doing it in Japan. It’s not in America.’ But we told Jon, as soon as the shows are over, we’re back to business as usual. I’m sure he’s a little angry. But we’ll see what happens.”

Brown kertoo, ettei olisi ikinä uskonut kokoonpanon palaavan yhteen, mutta toteaa rahan olevan merkittävin syy paluuseen:

”I guess if you throw enough money on a wound, it will heal.

”And I hate to say that, but, I mean, listen, it would take that to get some things together.”

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