Mikael Åkerfeldt örisee taas! Opeth julkaisi ensimmäisen singlen “§1” lokakuussa julkaistavalta albumiltaan

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 2.8.2024

Ruotsalainen metalliyhtye Opeth on julkaissut tulevan albuminsa ensimmäisen singlen “§1”. Yhtyeen uusi ”The Last Will and Testament” -albumi julkaistaan 11. lokakuuta Reigning Phoenix Musicin kautta.

Vokalisti-kitaristi Mikael Åkerfeldt kertoo levyn konseptista:

I have become quite interested in family, and the idea that blood is not always thicker than water. I became interested in how family members can turn on each other. I saw an interview with this guy whose family had all turned against him, over the inheritance, so I wrote a song about that on the last record. The idea stuck with me, and then along came the TV show Succession, and I loved that series. That was in the back of my head too. It felt like an interesting topic that you could twist and turn a little bit.

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