Nocturnus A.D.

Mike Browningin luotsaamalla Nocturnus AD:lla kuusi kappaletta valmiina uudelle albumille

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 30.8.2017
Nocturnus AD

Morbid Angelin riveissä vaikuttanut yhdysvaltalaisrumpali Mike Browning on antanut päivitystä liittyen Nocturnus AD:n tulevaan albumiin. Browningin mukaan levylle tulevista yhdeksästä kappaleesta kuusi on nyt valmiina ja teaseria on syytä odottaa muutaman viikon sisällä.

Nocturnus AD perustettiin vuonna 2013 sci-fi-teemaisesta death metalistaan tunnetun Nocturnuksen raunioille. Vuosina 1987-1993 sekä 2000-2002 toiminut Nocturnus julkaisi uransa aikana kolme täyspitkää albumia, joista etenkin vuonna 1990 ilmestynyt ”The Key” nauttii klassikon mainetta.

Tuleva albumi tulee olemaan Nocturnus AD:n ensimmäinen julkaisu sen nykyisellä kokoonpanolla, joka koostuu Mike Browningin After Death nimisen projektin soittajista. Browning on kertonut levystä seuraavaa Facebookissa:

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Ok you guys have been asking for a while, so here is an update and a couple stills from our teaser video that I am currently working on.
We have been working on a new Nocturnus AD full album that will contain 9 songs, we have 6 finished that we have been recording ourselves in demo form and only have a few more things to finish up on the recording and mixing and then we will have it Mastered and we will take several clips from those 6 songs and put out a 4 to 5 minute teaser video, so we will be releasing that in a few weeks.

We have the music to 2 more songs finished as well, so we are very close to our goal of 9 songs for the debut album being ready. There are 4 songs that will connect and continue with The Key story (from Andromeda Strain to Empire of The Sands on The Key) and 1 song that continues with the timeline of Neolithic and there will be 1 song that will complete the Lake of Fire/ Standing in Blood trilogy as well and a couple other stand alone songs in the vein of the sci-fi/horror style that Nocturnus was known for. We have a few labels interested already and when we do decide which label the debut will be on, we will let everyone know and we will also have a very well produced video for at least one of our new songs, so any labels that are interested in contacting or signing us, that will be a requirement.

So that is a pretty well detailed update for everyone who is interested and here are a few stills from the new Nocturnus AD teaser video we are putting together! (The final video will have much more, this is only where I am at working on it).

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