Mike Portnoy paluustaan Dream Theateriin: ”Aika tuntui olevan oikea sille”
Julkaisimme sivustollamme lokakuun lopussa uutisen, jossa kerroimme rumpali Mike Portnoyn tekevän paluun Dream Theaterin riveihin. Nyt Portnoy on kommentoinut Rock N’ Roll Fantasy Campin haastattelussa ensimmäistä kertaa paluutaan takaisin yhtyeeseen ja kertoi ajan vain tuntuneen oikealta paluun suhteen. Portnoy kertoi haastattelussa paluustaan seuraavaa:
”Well, it’s been 13 years now. And it’s crazy how time flies. But the last couple of years, I guess during the pandemic, yeah, I reconnected with [DREAM THEATER guitarist] John Petrucci. Once we were in lockdown and all of my bands couldn’t tour, and DREAM THEATER couldn’t tour, John Petrucci was doing a solo album, and he asked me to play on it. And then from there we decided we wanted to do another LTE [LIQUID TENSION EXPERIMENT] album, which is with [DREAM THEATER keyboardist] Jordan Rudess. And then shortly after that, John asked me to go on tour with him. So it just seems like we’ve been kind of reconnecting through the last few years.”
”We have such a long history — almost 40 years now — together, and our families grew up together, our wives played in a band together, and our kids grew up together. So, honestly, it just felt like it was the right thing in the right time… [Our kids] lliterally grew up all together, in the top bunks across from each other on the bus. My daughter and John’s daughter have lived together in New York for the last four or five years. So, yeah, there’s so much family history beyond just the music that it just felt like the time was right to do it.”
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