Mike Shinoda: ”Olen avoin sille, että jatkamme keikkailua Linkin Parkin kanssa”
Yhdysvaltalaisen rockyhtye Linkin Parkin laulajan Chester Benningtonin kuolemasta tulee huomenna kuluneeksi vuosi. Yhtyeen toinen laulaja Mike Shinoda on antanut hiljattain ranskalaiselle United Rock Nationsille haastattelun, jossa hän on kertonut Linkin Parkin tulevaisuuden olevan yhä auki. Shinoda on siitä huolimatta valmis soittamaan keikkoja bändin kanssa, mikäli yhtyeen muut jäsenet ovat valmiita jatkamaan. Voit lukea Shinodan ajatuksia aiheesta tästä:
”I don’t know. I’m just taking it one step at a time and keeping my mind open to the possibilities — whether it’s doing things under my name or working with other artists or producing tracks for somebody else or if the guys are at a point where they wanna play LINKIN PARK shows, I’m sure that any of those things are possibilities and I’m just open to whatever happens.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy”Right now, honestly, the thing I’m most excited about and I’m focused on most is getting the [solo] live show together and making it the best it can be,” he continued. ”It’s at a good place, and I’m basically doing… I’ve been doing a one-man show, but I think there’s a lot of room to grow and develop it, and I’m excited about continuing to do that.
”Part of this is gauging the fanbase and the shows themselves — seeing how this goes, and if it goes well, or we learn anything about how to do the shows, then going forward, that’ll be good information to have,” Mike added. ”Like, for example, right now, some of the shows are during the day, some are at night, some are indoor, some are outdoor, some are really big, some are small, so there’s a lot of variety. And as we go, I’m figuring out the best presentation and everything. It’s nice, because, having played onstage for so long, I already know a lot about how I like to do things onstage, but the amount of variety and types of shows that I’m doing makes me really excited to get out there and do this.”