Miksi Led Zeppelin oli maailman paras bändi? Näin asiaa kommentoi bändin legendaarinen kitaristi Jimmy Page

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.9.2019

Lontoossa vuonna 1968 alkunsa saanutta rockyhtye Led Zeppeliniä on tituleerattu useissa eri yhteyksissä yhdeksi historian parhaista yhtyeistä, ja onhan bändi toiminut innoittajana tuhansille rockyhtyeille. Yhtyeen kitaristi Jimmy Page on antanut hiljattain Uncutille haastattelun, jossa hän on kertonut oman mielipiteensä siitä, miksi monet pitävät bändiä maailman parhaana yhtyeenä. Jimmy Pagen mukaan salaisuus on ollut siinä, että kaikki bändin jäsenet ovat olleet loistavia muusikkoja ja hallinneet omat soittimensa mestarillisesti. Jimmy Page kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:

”It’s really hard to say something like that and not sound conceited, but over the years, a lot of other musicians have told me they thought we were the best. I’m not talking about record sales or concert attendance, although I think we can hold our own with anyone. What I mean is: when you talk about a band as a collaborative musical unit, we were the best. I am not talking about one or two genius songwriters, and everyone else tagging along. I am talking about a collection of musicians who are each at the top of their craft in their own right. In LED ZEPPELIN, we were exactly that.”

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”If you are a young musician and you want to hear how a band works well together, then we’re a pretty good blueprint. John [Paul Jones] and me. Robert and me. John Paul Jones and John Bonham. Every combination of the quartet could bring something special. Robert probably said, ’Oh, well, there were a lot of great bands,’ to that interviewer because that is the gentlemanly reply. And I agree with him: there’s a lot of absolutely fantastic music out there made by lots of different artists. But when you are talking about rock ’n’ roll alchemy, I had to say what I thought. We were the best.”