Mimi Barksilta uusi single ”Mirtazapine” ja albumi ”This Is Doom Trap”

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 26.9.2024

Mimi Barks on julkaissut tänään sekä uuden ”Mirtazapine”-singlen että debyyttialbuminsa ”This Is Doom Trap”.
Mimi Barks kommentoi tuoretta albumiaan:

”I believed in the chaos which is my mind, the homicide to my healing. Great resistance is the death of flow of energy. The devil on my right, the angel of death on my left. I battled fire with fire rather than transcending the low vibrations. Writing this album catapulted me through different stages of self-destruction and unknown existential fears. Initially, I considered naming the album Final Destination/Death Without Satisfaction. But as of Thursday, September 26, 2024, I’m still here… THIS IS DOOM TRAP.”


Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy
  1. Anxiety
  2. Everything’s Fucked And Time’s Running Out
  3. Realisation That Everything Happens For A Reason
  4. Trust The Journey
  5. Anxiety Kicks Back In
  6. Emotion VS. Spirit/Higher Self
  7. Giving Up
  8. Final Destination – Death Without Satisfaction