Miss May I julkaisi toisen studiovideon tulevan albumin teosta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.5.2017

Yhdysvaltalainen metalcorea soittava Miss May I on julkaisemassa uutta ”Shadows Inside” -nimistä albumiaan kesäkuun 2. päivä SharpTone Recordsin toimesta. Yhtye julkaisee tulevasta albumistaan kaiken kaikkiaan neljästä eri osasta koostuvan lyhyen dokumentin ja voit katsoa toisen osan levyn teosta tästä:

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Yhtyeen laulaja Levi Benton kuvaili taannoin uutta ”Lost In The Grey” kappaletta seuraavasti:

”Our new video for ’Lost In The Grey’ was by far the most extreme video we have ever done! The shoot involved an entire forest landscape set, live action volatile weather elements and rodents in mouths. We have never had a video like this before. The vibe for the song is really captured well and sets a great image not only for the song, but the record as a whole.

”’Shadows Inside’ is the most honest record we have ever created and a big part of that was just having the freedom and time to put everything we had into it.

”This is a great first track to release to the mass as it represents the effort it takes to get out of the complacent and stale life people live. The song is about finding that hope and drive to push you to a new and better life. The lion has always represented hope and ambition and now with this video it’s physical and represented as a mask that one needs to show them there is a better life for everyone, if you push for it.”

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