Mitä ihmettä? Hirviörock-yhtye Lordi julkaisemassa seitsemän uuden albumin kokonaisuuden lokakuussa
Kotimainen hirviörockin sanansaattaja Lordi aikoo julkaista kaiken kaikkiaan jopa seitsemän uutta albumia lokakuussa. Yhtyeen keulakuva Mr. Lordi kertoo Twitteriin julkaisemassaan viestissä yhtyeen aikoneen alun perin julkaista jopa kymmenen uutta albumia, mutta bändin levy-yhtiö sai lopulta yhtyeen suostuteltua julkaisemaan ”vain” seitsemän. Voit lukea yhtyeen virallisen tiedotteen aiheesta tästä:
”Within a week when the ’Killectour’ was cut short in March 2020, I realized we’re gonna have to use the sudden extra time somehow. It was clear that it is the time to start planning the new album, even though ’Killection’ was released not even two months before. I was thinking that the most boring thing we could do after ’Killection’ is to do another basic LORDI album. And I was very much enjoying the different styles of songwriting, recording and production on ’Killection’, but another boring idea would have been to do a part 2. Since ’Killection’ is a fictional compilation album from a fictional back catalogue that doesn’t exist, I got the idea that the only thing that could top that is to record and release that fictional back catalogue. And until Halloween 2021 the fictional back catalogue will be no longer fictional, it actually will exist… at least for the most part. My original idea was to release 10 albums, but the label said that is insane. But seven is a number they felt that is somewhat sane, hahahaha!”
April's fools! Of course Lordi isn't releasing 4 albums simultaneously this year. That would be insane. But not insane enough for Lordi. The reality is that Lordi is releasing SEVEN (7!) new studio albums later this year.
No shit. Not kidding.— Lordi (@LORDIOFFICIAL) April 2, 2021