Tengger Cavalry -promokuva 2016

Mongolialaiselta folk metal -yhtye Tengger Cavalrylta uusi video

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 11.8.2018
Tengger Cavalry -promokuva 2016

Mongolialaisen folk metalin kärkinimi Tengger Cavalry ilmoitti hiljattain paluustaan takaisin parrasvaloihin lyhyen tauon jälkeen. Yhtye on nyt julkaissut YouTuben kautta uuden videon kappaleestaan nimeltä ”Redefine”. Voit katsoa sen tästä:

Yhtye on itse kertonut videostaan seuraavaa:

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“As core members of Tengger Cavalry and traditionally trained Mongolian folk musicians, both Wulijimuren and I immigrated from China to New York City several years ago. Being stripped away from the Nomadic Grassland and stepping into the very industrial and multi-cultural world of the Big Apple, we’ve both faced challenges of progressing and preserving the traditional Nomadic culture in our lives and in modern day.

Unlike Viking trends, Nomadic culture still exists upon the Grasslands and horse riding landscapes in Northern China and is facing great danger in the face of modernization and industrialization from the South. This video represents the mixed challenge we, as Tengger Cavalry, are facing every day. It’s a video about cultural conflict, homeland, modern culture, progression and inner strength.”

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