Monipuolinen muusikko laulaa Led Zeppelinin ”Black Dog”-kappaleen samalla, kun soittaa rumpuja ja kitaraa

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 20.2.2017

Youtube-käyttäjä Dominic Fragman on hiljattain julkaissut uuden videon, jossa soittaa yksin legendaarisen Led Zeppelinin vuonna 1971 ilmestyneen ”Black Dog” -kappaleen. Erikoiseksi soiton tekee se, että Fragman toteuttaa rumpu-, kitara- ja lauluosuudet samanaikaisesti.

Fragman kommentoi ”Black Dog” -kappaletta Classic Rock -medialle:

”This was a really exciting tune to tackle. The song itself is such a monumental song from such a monumental band. A rock institution: Led Zeppelin. When I was in the 8th grade I received a Zeppelin Box Set for Christmas (my parent’s are awesome!).”

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”I used to play discs from that set non stop. I was totally taken in by tunes like Since I Been Loving You, Achilles Last Stand, Kashmir, No Quarter. I loved it all. Of course all that came after the initial barbed hooks of Rock And Roll, Whole Lotta Love, Misty Mountain Hop, Dazed and Confused, and Communication Breakdown. I knew I’d be a lifer. But there was always something about Black Dog. Like so many of their tunes, it just oozes. You can feel it go down your spine. It seems like such a great choice for the Solo Trio.”

”I knew it would be difficult. But, Man! It kicked my ass! I had to work out how to execute things I had not yet executed; with a kind of meticulousness I had not yet given to this endeavour. It was frustrating but it was exciting. I learned a lot. I discovered how to include certain simultaneous moves that I hadn’t yet gotten into. I had to focus more than I had focused on somebody else’s music so far. It was a great experience. I have grown because of it which is my favourite thing to do!

”I hope people enjoy it and let me know what they want to hear next!”

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Vuonna 2015 julkaistu livevideo, jossa Dominic Fragman soittaa Black Sabbathin ”War Pigs” -kappaleen

Uutiskuva: Youtube-video