Devin Townsend Circuksessa

Monitaituri Devin Townsendin tulevalta albumilta kuunneltavissa uusi ”Moonpeople” -kappale

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.8.2022

Kanadalainen metallimusiikin monitaituri Devin Townsend aikoo julkaista lokakuussa uuden studioalbuminsa ”Lightworkin”. Albumin julkaisupäiväksi on vahvistettu 28. lokakuuta. Julkaisu tapahtuu Inside Out Musicin kautta. Albumin erikoisjulkaisussa on mukana myös toinen albumi, ”Nightwork”.

Townsendin tulevalta albumilta on nyt julkaistu video ”Moonpeople” -kappaleen osalta, josta Townsend kertoo seuraavaa:

“Hey all 🙂 this is Devin. Welcome to my newest album ‘Lightwork‘. The last few years have been a lot, and this is the music that I wrote during that time. In essence, ‘Lightwork‘ is a bit more of a ‘song’ oriented album. A bit more direct and simpler than a lot of what I’ve been doing lately. After ‘Empath‘ and ‘The Puzzle‘, things kind of swung back in the direction of more traditional arrangements for ‘Lightwork‘.

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Lyrically, It kind of hints at the struggles of the last few years but with an eye on putting the pieces back together again. We chose ‘Moonpeople‘ as the first of three video releases from this project, The three videos share a theme, so I think that’ll work.

‘Moonpeople‘ is the first song on ‘Lightwork‘ and acts as a sort of mission statement for the album. Post pandemic… kids are now teens… 50 years old, who am I now? Beyond any platitudes or delusions, who am I now that the smoke is clearing and what do I want to do, and who do I want to be, moving forward? The term ‘Moonpeople’, in my mind, refers to those in society that kind of ‘watch’ things rather than being directly involved in it.

Maybe the Moonpeople are more introverted rather than extroverted? In any case, it functions as a song on the album that will set the stage for the dynamic nature of the material that follows it. So here you go. Song one.”

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