Morning For The Masses lopettaa (2003-2008)
Yhdysvaltalainen indie-rock -yhtye Morning For The Masses on päättänyt lopettaa uransa. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin virallisen viestin aiheesta.
We’ll be putting Morning For The Masses to rest.Its been since mid 2003 that we’ve played music under this name. I would say ”play music together” but the only two original members left are Roo and myself. Its something everyone involved was/is really proud of, we made music that we wanted to make, with no rules. It was the most freedom I had expressed in my life to date. We fought an uphill battle for years, which you sign up for once you decide to take yourself seriously as a band, I suppose. We believed, hoped, and worked and tried and tried. We had a really, genuinely, good time doing this. I think some of that is captured in our tour and recording videos. I wish we had filmed more. It was a neverending carnival being in this band.
I’ve worn the name, ”Morning For The Masses’ as a nametag for almost 5 years now. I wore it more proudly than my own name. And lately I’ve felt that I had to force the answer, ”Yes, I am in Morning For The Masses” when my insides are screaming ”I WAS IN MORNING FOR THE MASSES!”
It seemed no matter how hard this band tried, we’d slip through the holes. Small things would happen to give us hope, ”Oh, we’re were so right…this is happening.” And then it would just dissipate.
This band has been like the nicest, most valued sand (if there was such a thing) that we’ve tried to hold onto for dear life….and its just slipped through our fingers…grain by grain.
We’re just finally acknowledging that the last grain has been lost.
We went through so many member changes and I was always insecure that people believed we were assholes because of this. Let me quickly go over ever member that left and their reason.
Jeff- Moved to Texas for a better musical education program than Towson had to offer.
Jason- Didn’t agree with our band business ideals, he has D.I.Y ideals, we wanted to sign, pay for promotions on, things like this caused fights. We had strayed to different directions
Carol- Emailed us 3 days before tour saying she cant do it anymore. Still a mystery why exactly she left. I suppose, she just couldn’t stand the thought of being around us for ten consecutive days. She’s happily married now, as far as we know.
Chris- Prioritized, Enrolled in school. We were trying to be a full time band at the time, so we had to part ways. I’m still friends with Chris.
Justin- Couldn’t be apart from his original band. They broke up 2 months after he left MFTM.
Matt- Got engaged and became a father.
CJ- Finally took his parents offer to move up to Michigan where they had been waiting for over a year already.
Thank you for enjoying our music if you did, thanks for talking to us if you did, thanks for coming to shows if you did and thanks for believing in us if you did.
The rest of the 3 of us will be in bands touring the U.S shortly.
So, please don’t stop caring or believing. We’ll all see you…one way or another.
Best wishes,