Motionless In Whiten Chris ”Motionless” Cerulli: ”Tavoitteena on kokoontua kesän jälkeen kirjoittamaan musiikkia yhdessä”
Yhdysvaltalaisen, metalcorea soittavan Motionless In Whiten laulaja Chris ”Motionless” Cerulli on antanut hiljattain Download TV:lle haastattelun, jossa hän on paljastanut bändin aikovan kokoontua kesän lopussa yhteen kirjoittamaan uusia kappaleita tulevaa albumiaan varten. Chrisin mukaan kaikki bändin jäsenet ovat tehneet musiikkia toistaiseksi omissa oloissaan, ja kesän jälkeen olisi aika kokoontua ja aloittaa toden teolla materiaalin työstäminen seuraavaa albumia varten. Chris on kertonut bändin suunnitelmista seuraavaa:
”We were not actually gonna start until maybe the end of summer. We wanted to take this all the way up until the summer, just kind of plan and maybe, if we felt inspired, work on some stuff here and there, but we didn’t wanna hit it full time until after the summer. But now because of everything being shut down [due to the coronavirus pandemic], it’s kind of just, like, why would we waste the time when we can maybe put a record out sooner and make up for the loss of all the touring. Everyone’s kind of just been working at their own pace, which has been really nice. ’Cause normally, we start and have a deadline for ourselves in a way where we know that we’re gonna start in the studio at a certain point. Now it’s just, like, we’re just gonna work until we’re happy and use the time to make the best record we can and find a silver lining in all of this.”
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Kysyttäessä, kuinka bändi aikoo parantaa vuonna 2019 julkaistusta ”Disguise”-albumista, Chris on kertonut seuraavaa:
”Every time a band puts out a record, I mean, I’ve never once heard a band put out a record and be, like, ’Our last one was better than this one.’ I think most bands agree what they’re doing currently is the best. And I think when I go back and listen to our previous records and then listen to [’Disguise’], while I, of course, agree that it’s better, I think it’s a lot better. There’s just something to it that, in every way, the whole package, just dominates the rest of them.
I think the best thing that we can do is go into it with the same mindset that we had with the last one, with ’Disguise’, and maybe approach it the same way, since we’re so happy with how it came out — not try to reinvent our process at all and just see what happens. That’s kind of what we’ve been doing, and I like everything that we’re accomplishing so far.”
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