Motionless In Whiten Chris ”Motionless” Cerulli: ”Työstämme parhaillamme uutta raskasta musiikkia”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 21.5.2020
Motionless In White 2020

Yhdysvaltalainen sinfonista metalcorea soittava Motionless In White on ruvennut työstämään musiikkia seuraavaa albumiaan varten. Yhtyeen laulaja Chris ”Motionless” Cerulli on antanut haastattelun Detroitissa sijaitsevalle WRIF-radiokanavalle. Haastattelussa Cerulli kertoi, että koronavirus on saanut bändissä luovuuden kukkaan ja että bändi kirjoittaa ahkerasti uutta musiikkia seuraavaa albumiaan varten. Voit lukea tästä, mitä kerrottavaa Cerullilla oli bändin tämän hetkisestä tilanteesta:

”A lot of the [other] guys are working on stuff by themselves. Like, I know Justin [Morrow, bass] and Ricky [Olson, rhythm guitar] are working on tracks for the band separately. I work separately, but then I also have friends that I like to work with that really do special stuff, unique things towards their own production that I like to work with.

”For me, it’s always more fun and enjoyable to work with people that you get along with and connect with rather than just kind of sitting by yourself all the time,” he continued. ”So I travel all over the country and just work with friends. I think music is a great way to bring people together, and especially right now where people need that. For my friends that do feel comfortable with not keeping me at a six-feet-apart distance and wanna work, then I’m gonna travel to them.

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”So we’ve got one song done so far since I’ve been [in Cleveland working with my friend John]. We have a bunch of songs in the bank from previous days, working with other people and each one of us separately. And we’re just gonna keep working until we have a ton of songs to pick from for the new record.”

”I realized how internally angry I am at missing the shows and the tours that we’re missing [because of the crisis], because everything I’m working on kind of has this really aggressive edge. I know our fans really enjoy our songs like ’Another Life’ and the more laid-back or emotional tracks, which there will be those as well, but everything I’m doing myself lately has kind of been heavier. And I’m just, like, ’Where is all this coming from?’ I know I’m a quietly, or somewhat quietly, angry person, but it’s really coming out in the stuff I’ve been working on. So we’ll see what happens. I know there’s gonna be a mix, like there always is.”

Cerulli kertoi haastattelussa toivovansa, että bändi julkaisee uutta musiikkia vuoden 2020 lopussa:

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”I think we’ll be trying to get at least a new song out by the end of the year, but I just hope nobody holds me to that. We’re just gonna keep writing, and what happens happens. It might be early next year. I don’t know.”

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