Mötley Crue basisti paljastaa striimauksen karut puolet

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 26.11.2014

Mötley Crue 2013Yhdysvaltalaisen raskaan rockin legendan Mötley Cruen basisti Nikki Sixx on julkaissut omassa Facebook -sivussaan kirjoituksen, jonka mukaan moni nykypäivän artisti ei saa oman musiikkinsa striimaamisesta välttämättä euroakaan rahaa. Voit lukea Nikki Sixxin varsin mielenkiintoisen kirjoituksen aiheesta tästä:

The business of streaming music for artists.

I wanna break this down into simple terms for everybody since I’ve been getting calls from press and artists. This can be confusing and I believe clarity is important. So here it goes.

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A record label sign’s an artist to a recording contracts to sell their music at different destinations.
An example of that would be a one stop-shopping destination like iTunes where you can download music. They also license the music to streaming companies like Spotify etc. When they do that they get around 70% of the money. Now on downloads (just like on hard good’s i.e. CD’s etc) they pay a royalty to the artist but on streaming they don’t. They use a legal loophole called “Breakage” and they get advances, which they don’t recoup and hence don’t pay the artist.
This is something artist lawyers need to address. They need to be strong and protect the artist and not the labels. We should all get paid for our music and force an honest payment plan that will ensure new artist’s have a future as well as established artist’s who should also get paid for there whole catalog. Some might say the bigger artists have made enough money but that being said we still wrote the music, performed the music and promoted the music. But what about the new bands, singers, and songwriters? If we continue allowing this one-sided business model to continue they really don’t have a hope in hell do they? I’d like ALL artist’s to do what their manager’s and lawyers for the most part haven’t done and stand up and force a change…I still don’t understand why a majority of reporters haven’t investigated and report this in a robust way..