Mötley Crüe Rockfest 2023

Mötley Cruen kitaristin John 5:n uusi soolokappale ”The Ghost” kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 29.10.2023

Yhdysvaltalaisessa rockin jättiläisessä Mötley Cruessa nykyisin vaikuttava kitaristi John 5 on julkaissut uuden instrumentaalin kappaleen ”The Ghost”. John 5 kertoo kappaleesta seuraavaa:

“This song called ‘The Ghost‘ is pretty much about my guitar that came out earlier this year. The guitar is, to me, the perfect guitar. It has everything; looks, durability, amazing sound, so the only thing I could do is create a song that shows all of its glory. When the guitar came out, I went right into the studio and recorded this song with the new guitar, and I couldn’t think of a more fitting title than ‘The Ghost‘.”

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