Mötley Cruen Nikki Sixx koronaviruskriisistä Yhdysvalloissa: ”Toivoisin vahvempaa johtajuuutta ja rokotetta lähitulevaisuudessa”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 24.7.2020

Yhdysvaltalaisen rock-yhtye Mötley Cruen basisti Nikki Sixx on julkaissut omalla Instagram-sivullaan kirjoituksen, jonka mukaan hän toivoisi koronaviruksen runtelemiin Yhdysvaltoihin vahvempaa johtajuutta viruksen taltuttamiseksi, sekä rokotetta siihen lähitulevaisuudessa, että bändi pääsisi taas nousemaan takaisin keikkalavoille esiintymään tuhansille faneilleen. Nikki Sixx kirjoitti aiheesta seuraavaa:

”Been settling into life in #Wyoming spending lots of time with my wife and daughter on the rivers, parks, hiking, going up on the lakes etc etc. Obviously wearing masks when near people but feeling so much safer here than back in Cali (which has Covid numbers blasting off the charts now) but with so many tourists coming to enjoy the outdoors in Wyoming we are now seeing a spike here too.

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We’ve been super protective of our family (sometimes it’s been hard for people to understand that who wanna see Ruby as she’s about to turn 1) and it’s frustrating for us too but none of us wanna get sick or die. I survived a checkered past and don’t wanna check out now over this shit.

These are confusing times around the virus. Mixed messages from our leaders and even the health department’s. I feel like were dancing on a razor blade. Even with so much beauty around us here there is a nagging feeling of impending doom in my stomach. When will this end? Or will it?

I miss my older kids terribly who are back in #California doing their life as they have turned into young adults. We’re not alone (I know you’re feeling it too) but we miss our friends and extended family members.

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I pray for stronger leadership and a vaccine in the near future. Breathing in the fresh air around us and trying to stay focused on the simple things like going on a swing with my daughter.

I look forward to getting back on stage and seeing thousand of smiling faces singing back to us.

Please be safe.”

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