Phil Campbell & The Bastard Sons Virgin Oil Helsinki 2017

Motörhead-kitaristi Phil Campbell työstää sooloalbumia – vierailijoina ainakin Dee Snider ja Rob Halford

Kirjoittanut Jyri Kinnari - 27.6.2017
Phil Campbell & The Bastard Sons Virgin Oil Helsinki 2017

Pitkäaikainen Motörhead-kitaristi ja nykyisin Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons -yhtyeensä kanssa soittava Phil Campbell on kertonut Rock Sverigen haastattelussa työstävänsä sooloalbumia. Hän kertoo albumin tekemisen olevan noin puolivälissä ja kuuden kappaleen olevan vielä kirjoittamatta. Albumi ei hänen mukaansa kuulosta siltä, mitä ihmiset saattavat odottaa eikä se tule kuulostamaan täysin Motörheadilta. Albumilla tulevat vierailemaan ainakin Twisted Sisterin laulaja Dee Snider, Judas Priestin laulaja Rob Halford, Slipknkotin rumpali Chris Fehn, Guns N’ Rosesin ja The Cultin entinen rumpali Matt Sorum ja Skindredin laulaja Benji Webbe. Campbell työstää albumia myös Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sonsin kanssa, jonka debyytti-EP julkaistiin viime vuonna. Tuon albumin julkaisun hän odottaa tapahtuvan ensi vuonna.

Will there be a full album with The Bastard Sons?

Yeah, we´ve started writing already and I´m also doing my solo record and I´m halfway through that one. But yeah, we´ve started writing for The Bastards and we should have an album out next year. Trying to keep busy.

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Do you have the same approach writing for The Bastards as you had in Motörhead?

Not really. When we wrote for Motörhead we´d lock ourselves in a studio for like six weeks. Now we´ve got our own recording studio and we´ve written about seven or eight songs. They´re not totally finished and we haven´t done any vocals or anything. We go there a couple of days a week or whatever, so it´s a bit more relaxed.

What about the solo album then? You´ve got Rob Halford on it, Chris Fehn from Slipknot and so on?

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Yeah and Dee Snider (Twisted Sister) is doing some vocals. Benji (Webbe) from Skindred has done it. I´m really lucky to get these people on it. Matt Sorum´s (ex Guns N´Roses, ex The Cult) gonna do a track. He´s doing it next week. His mixing desk blew out. It´s gonna be good.

What´s it gonna sound like?

It´s not gonna be what people expect. I play piano on a few tracks. I don´t know, since it´s not finished yet. I still gotta write another six songs for it, but it´s not gonna be all totally like Motörhead. After many years it´s just nice to be able to do what I want. I could do what I wanted in Motörhead, but we didn´t wanna stray too far away. We´d put a saxophone in when we wanted and a piano and acoustics…

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