Motörheadin entinen kitaristi Phil Campbell suuttui KaaosTV:lle Lemmystä jutelleelle Suicidal Tendenciesin Mike Muirille

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 24.1.2016

Suicidal Tendencies 2016Yhdysvaltalainen cross over thrashin pioneeri Suicidal Tendenciesin vokalisti Mike Muir kävi yhtyeen Suomen keikan yhteydessä KaaosTV:n vieraana ja kysyimme Mike Muirilta ajatuksia Motörheadin Lemmy Kilmisterin sekä David Bowien kuolemiin liittyen. Mike Muir totesi haastattelussa, että Lemmyn olisi pitänyt vetäytyä keikkalavoilta aikaisemmin huonon terveydentilan takia ja hänen avustajien tulisi katua miehen viemistä kiertueelle viimeisillä voimillaan. Haastattelu on ilmeisesti tavoittanut ja suututtanut Motörheadin kitaristin Phil Campbellin sillä mies oli kommentoinut Twitteriinsä aihetta seuraavasti: 

Mike Muirin mietteitä aiheesta KaaosTV:n haastattelusta:

”Well, we just did… [MOTÖRHEAD] did that Motörboat cruise [last September/October], and we were just on it, and [Lemmy] didn’t look good.

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”A lot of people will sit there and say, ’Oh, I love this person.’ I wasn’t a big metal person, and so I wasn’t really familiar… I was like a lot of people — I knew ’Ace Of Spades’, but I wasn’t really into a lot of those music. I got into music through punk rock, and that motivated me, because there was a couple of punk rock bands I liked and a whole bunch I did not like.”

”When someone dies, you’re supposed to say good things, but it was sad on [Motörboat], ’cause [Lemmy] shouldn’t have been there. And I think there’s people that… There’s something to be said going out the way you want, but you know what? He wasn’t healthy, hadn’t been for a while; they’d been canceling shows. And as a person, that’s not [how] someone that was in family I’d want them to be treated. So… People won’t like it, but I shouldn’t say anything, but that’s what I feel like, you know…”

”I appreciate anybody, on the good side, that spent so much of their time and their life to do music and do good things for other people. But I think there’s also, as I was saying earlier [in the interview] about SLIPKNOT and their crew and all the other stuff around, I think there’s people that around [Lemmy] that probably should feel pretty bad, ’cause they didn’t handle it right.”

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