Motörheadin kitaristi Phil Campbell: ”Lemmy ei halunnut jäädä kotiin odottamaan kuolemaa”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.11.2016

Motörhead 2015Englantilaisen rockin legendan Motörheadin kitaristi Phil Campbell on antanut tuoreen haastattelun WalesOnlinelle liittyen Suomeenkin helmikuussa klubikeikoille saapuvaan uuteen yhtyeeseensä Phil Campbell & The Bastard Sonsiin liittyen. Phil Campbellilta on haastattelun aikana kysytty myös edesmenneestä bändikaveristaan Lemmy Kilmisteristä, jonka kuolema tuli miehelle omien sanojensa mukaan myös yllätyksenä. Phil kertoi haastattelussa, että Lemmy halusi rokata täysillä hautaan asti eikä halunnut jäädä kotiaan odottamaan kuolemaa. Aiheesta hänellä oli seuraavaa kerrottavaa:

”I knew Lem wasn’t well. I knew the day would come at some point, but it happened so quickly.

”He was playing better in the winter, a few weeks before he passed away, than he was in the summer. I think I started to romanticize, thinking, was he really indestructible?

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”When he got up on stage, he rocked like an 18-year-old. Even though it must have been paining him inside, he still did it. It was unbelievable.”

”I had the call saying Lem was not very well at all, and telling us to fly over. But our manager called a day later saying he’d gone peacefully in his sleep. It was all pretty sudden.”

”The first three months, personally, I was in shock. I knew MOTÖRHEAD had great support all these years, but the extent just blew my mind.

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”After the first three months, I cried more. That was when Lem’s death started to sink in and I really began to miss him. Reality kicked in and it was hard to take.

”It wasn’t all about playing on stage with him — I miss not being able to call him up. He was such a knowledgable and funny guy. I spent more time with him than I did my wife and family.”

”We just talked about the next gig, next song, next album. Lem wanted to carry on and wanted to play.

”He didn’t want to sit around the house waiting to die. He wanted to go out on a high.”

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