Motörheadin Mikkey Dee: ”Lemmy kertoi antavansa minulle heti potkut mikäli kokeilisin huumeita”
Englantilaisen rockin legendan Motörheadin rumpali Mikkey Dee on antanut pitkähkön haastattelun uusimpaan Sweden Rock Magazineen kertoen tarinoita viettämistään ajoista yhtyeen menehtyneen basisti / vokalisti Lemmy Kilmisterin kanssa. Kysyttäessä Mikkeyltä käyttikö Lemmy kokaiinia aina kuolemaansa asti paljasti rumpali Lemmyn kieltäneen häneltä huumeiden käytön potkujen uhalla. Mikkey kertoi aiheesta seuraavaa:
”I don’t know if I want to sit here and say what he was and wasn’t doing. I can say this: he quit doing everything for quite a long while, because he was actually shocked when he became ill [in 2013]. I just know that he told me: ’The day you try drugs, you’re fucking fired.’ [Laughs] I’ve never tried drugs. I drink my beer, but he made sure that I would never try drugs. If I’d done that, the whole thing would’ve crashed.”
Kysyttäessä Mikkeyltä pitääkö hän mahdollisena ideaa soittaa vielä joskus iso tribuutti keikka Lemmyn muistolle eri laulajien kera vastailee Mikkey seuraavaa:
”Yes, something like that is definitely happening, but when and how I have no idea. All this has to settle first and now is not the right time to do something like that. Personally, I’d like to wait a little until there’s a demand. The fans have been eating hamburgers for 40 years, so then maybe you don’t want to have a hamburger the first year after Lemmy’s death — instead you have to crave that hamburger again. That’s how I look at our music: we have toured for so many years that some time has to pass until people say ’Fuck, I’d really like to hear some cool MOTÖRHEAD songs live on stage again.’ Personally, I don’t think it was appropriate that DIO DISCIPLES were out touring six months after Ronnie James Dio’s death. It wasn’t at all appropriate, for several reasons. I want there to be a demand for MOTÖRHEAD first, then maybe something will happen with me and Phil and maybe Fast Eddie plus two or three other megastars that love MOTÖRHEAD. If that’s the case, I believe you can do something really great with it, but it’s all about the right place at the right time.”
Kysyttäessä olisiko Mikkeylla mielenkiintoa liittyä entisen yhtyeensä King Diamondin riveihin:
”I don’t know about that. He’s got Matt Thompson, who is great and has played in the band for a really long time, so that’s up to King. I think it would be a lot of fun to play with KING DIAMOND again. It would be great, but I’m not going to talk my way into the band. That’s something they have to decide on. When I played in MOTÖRHEAD, there was a lot of pressure on Lemmy to bring back both Phil Taylor and Fast Eddie again. Lemmy wouldn’t even listen to all that [talk].”
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