Mr. Lordi tilittää: ”Digitalisaatio on kaiken pahan alku ja juuri”

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 25.3.2025

Viime viikolla yhdeksännentoista albuminsa ”Limited Deadition” julkaisseen Lordin nokkamies Mr. Lordi kertoi tuoreessa Metal Covenantin haastattelussa mielipiteitään musiikkialan muutoksista parin viime vuosikymmenen aikana. Mr. Lordin mielestä digitalisaatio on kaiken pahan alku ja juuri. Musiikin striimaus on johtanut fyysisten levyjen häviämiseen ja siihen, ettei artisteille enää makseta musiikista. Hän myös kertoi, ettei ole koskaan käyttänyt sosiaalista mediaa, ja laskutkin tulevat vielä paperisina postiluukusta.
Mr. Lordi kertoi:

”Well, digitalization is the root of all evil. You know, it started slowly, but when it hit over the music business, it hit hard. And the music business wasn’t ready. And I still feel grudge against that. You know, if I get angry at something, I will never recover from that. I will never forgive. I mean, there are so many levels on this shit.

I think that the whole streaming of music, the whole not paying the artists that is there, the whole downfall of the physical albums, all that, it’s just because of fucking digitalization and Internet, and then later on social media. And I refuse to be part of that. I have to be, but in my personal life I’m not. I have never, for example, been on social media, for a second in my life. I’ve never had Facebook. Never been on Facebook, never been on Instagram, never been on any of that shit, and I will never fucking do it. I don’t even read my fucking e-mails, unless somebody calls me and tells me that, ’Hey. You have an e-mail. Go read your e-mails.’ And all my bills still come on paper to me. I pay extra for the companies to send me paper bills.”

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