Mushroomhead julkisti uuden laulajansa ja kitaristinsa

Kirjoittanut Samuel Järvinen - 28.3.2018

Maaliskuun alussa vuodesta 1993 asti toiminnassa olleen vaihtoehtometalli-yhtye Mushroomheadin rivistössä tapahtui muutoksia, kun yhtyeen perustajajäsen ja solisti Jeffrey Nothing jätti yhtyeen. Pian tämän jälkeen myös yhtyeen kitaristi Tommy Church irtautui orkesterista. Bändi on kuitenkin löytänyt molemmille korvaajaan ja julkisti tämän 17. maaliskuuta konsertissaan Yhdysvaltojen Ohiossa. Nothingin yhtyeen solistina korvaa  Steve Rauckhorst (Pitch Black Forest) ja kitaristin virkaa puolestaan toimittaa Tommy “Tankx” Shaffner (VentanA)Yhtyeen turntabelisti Richard “Stitch” Thomas kommentoi miehistönmuutosta:

“I know a lot of you are angry and confused on the latest news, but this is not news to us. We were made aware that Jeff and Church were leaving and a plan was in motion to make a proper transition. They both decided to let the cat out of the bag on Facebook before a proper press release was made. This was not part of the plan discussed.

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I’m not going to explain or air out the bands personal business and I’m not going to engage in any smearing of the two members that have recently departed.

I have been a Mushroomhead fan since 1994 and am honored to be a member of this band the last 17 years.

None of you know what happens behind the scenes or how people’s personalities and involvement in the band changes as years go on. Your assumptions and negative comments are quite disheartening, this is why I truly hate this social media era — everyone gets to judge you before you even have a chance to figure out what to say.

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If I learned anything, it’s that Mushroomhead lives on no matter what and that is what we are doing right now.

If there is ever a day that I step down, it will still continue without me. The replacements for both members have been in place for quite awile, the new singer was even endorsed by Mr. Nothing over a month ago.

Both of these gentlemen are longtime friends of mine, they are talented musicians and have been in the mosh pits at Mushroomhead concerts since 1996. They are huge fans of the band and are going to breathe new life into Mushroomhead, carrying on its legacy into the next chapter. I’m very excited to be sharing the stage with them moving into the future”

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