Devin Townsend Kulttuuritalo 2023

Musiikin hullulta tiedemieheltä Devin Townsendilta luvassa uusi albumi lokakuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 25.8.2024

Kanadalainen multi-instrumentalisti sekä musiikin hullu tiedemies Devin Townsend on julkaisemassa seuraavan ”PowerNerd” -nimisen albuminsa lokakuun 25. päivä InsideOut Musicin kautta. Townsend kertoo tulevasta albumistaan lehdistötiedotteessa seuraavaa:

“It was a conscious thing. I thought, ‘I’ve spent so much time overthinking every aspect of my work – what would happen if I didn’t?’ Maybe I would have the opportunity to be a bit more direct with what it is that I’m trying to do. I really wanted to see if I could cut through some of the meandering.”

“I would say that a powernerd would be somebody that has a tendency that society has deemed weak or not valuable, whether that’s empathy or being an insular person or an introvert, and turns that into a type of personal power. It’s like, ‘OK, yeah, I’m sensitive to this, that and the other thing, but man, I am going to pull through! I am going to do things with that sensitivity that are rooted in strength.’”

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Albumin kappalelista:
01. PowerNerd
02. Falling Apart
03. Knuckledragger
04. Gratitude
05. Dreams Of Light
06. Ubelia
07. Jainism
08. Younger Lover
09. Glacier
10. Goodbye
11. Ruby Quaker