
Mustaa metallia perjantaihin: Merrimackin uusi kappale Kaaoszinen ensisoitossa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 9.3.2017

Ranskalainen pitkän linjan black metal -yhtye Merrimack julkaisee seuraavan ”Omegaphilia” -nimisen albuminsa kesäkuun 9. päivä Season Of Mist Recordsin kautta. Yhtye on nyt julkaissut albumiltaan ensimmäisenä singlenä kappaleen nimeltä ”Apophatic Weaponry” ja voit kuunnella sen Kaaoszinen ensisoiton kautta tästä:

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Yhtye on itse kommentoinut kappaletta seuraavasti:

”For this song, as on the whole album, we wanted to come back to something more rooted in the 90’s. With a less complex structure, and a sound not as modern and claustrophobic as on our latest albums, ’Apophatic Weaponry’ still has our characteristic moody atmosphere with some crawling mid-tempos riffs. This is especially noticeable on the second half of the track. Our lyrics are dealing with the special connection between beings and their faith, even though it is constructed on a void trying to fill in another vacant space of nothingness. The divine cannot be observed, demonstrated, except by its consequences. In the end, this is the definition of faith as opposed to reason. This concept of negative theology is a mystical approach towards the divine that attempts to describe it through the impossibility of describing it. Eckhart. Jacob Böhme and most of the German mystics tried to increase their faith with such notions.”

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