Mutilation Rites julkaisi musiikkivideon kappaleelleen ”Axiom Destroyer”
Yhdysvaltalainen black metal -yhtye Mutilation Rites on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleelleen ”Axiom Destroyer”. Kappale on osa yhtyeen uutta ”Chasm” -albumia, joka julkaistaan heinäkuun 20. päivä Gilead Median ja Argento Recordsin kautta. Yhtye kertoo:
”Axiom Destroyer‘ is a song about being forced to watch a loved one tortured in front of your eyes. Everything that makes life stable and normal to you is being destroyed in a depraved, perverted exhibition.
In this video, a person is being forced fed a skewed reality by an authoritarian government with mind-altering drugs and propaganda videos. This could be anyone you have in your life on a daily basis that is having their mind and life changed by propaganda, such as advertisements, radical mouthpieces or corporate lifestyle.”